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I like being green

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DOC....SPOCK | 10:58 Tue 25th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
matches my skin tone.


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I'm blue....
Hi and good morning Doc / Kermit :-) xxx
you can't seem to keep a name for very long can you?

I wonder why?
bigmamma do me a favour and let daniela know who I am on FB suggest me to them. Hi doc told you before matches your eyes
a don't mind being green but it can be a pain in the ar5e sometimes. Remembering to separate the cans from the paper from the squidge from the glass from the... boring boring.
Salla ... you're allowed to type "arse" !
Oh ****** - didn't know that!
obviously you can't type bu33er...

So, you're not allowed to type ****** then?!
Question Author
To-day I will be mostly busy creating scores of e-mails, again.
Think am the greenest.....the bin men don't even bother to call rebate from council?.

I burn all rubbish and get warmth from it. Even save the council building incinerators in my name!
I guess not !
Question Author
It makes the world go round I suppose.
Can you type Scunthorpe ?
Will do 4get hun ;-) xxx
I thought that was money. Or excessive alcohol.

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I like being green

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