would never get myself measured. was measured a few years ago and was told by the woman, she had never measured such a small bust before. i was mortified.
Oh she shouldn't have said that to you. It's not her place to comment let alone judge. I hope you complained to her manager!
Back to the question in hand, I know some catalogues have measuring guides in them. Sorry not sure what else to suggest!
Give them another try as sizes differ between shops and ranges.
I always have a running battle as to the eye they size me as 40DD despite me telling them I'm around a 36G and have to go through the entire rigmarole of trying on smaller sizes until they realise I'm right.
Drives me mad but at least I get decent fitting bras out of it.
Try this one. It takes measurements in cm and inches. And it shows you where to measure.
Although, I would recommend getting a shop to measure you, as they will also allow you to try on different styles and sizes until you find one you are completely comfortable with!
Take a friend along, and tell the shop assistant you don't like getting it done as someone was incredibly rude to you in the past!! I would imagine they'd be very understanding.
My local M&S don't measure anymore asuch, they do it by eye, guess your bra size and then suggest sizes for you to try and when you try them on they chec the fit. You could hazard a guess at a few sizes yourself take them in to try them on and then just ask advice as to whether they fit right or not, it would minimise the time spent with the fitter. However, I think Elgin is right, I am sure they will be very understanding if you explain about your experience hun x
I know this is a bit off subject but i like small busts, and so do a lot of men. So don't imagine there is anything unattractive about having one, rocks my boat anyway!
Anyway bigguns look fine when your young, but when your old they hang over your stomach and the nipples point south, I knew someone once with large ones and she said when she layed down they fell under her arm pits....disgusting!
My dad always said, when you got a small pair, you got a body for life!
I like small busts. I like medium busts. I like large busts. I like them all. This woman was highly insensitive in her remarks to you and I hope that her nipples fall off in time.
By the way, serious question now. How much do places like M&S charge to measure your bra size?
I went to Marks and Spark in Glasgow just the other week and they were great, i now know my size for going back to them, the week before i went to Bravisima. not great at all and nearly double in price there, try your local Marks hun if you have one, good luck
It gives a step-by-step guide to measuring. But I would agree with most of the female comments already posted. Go to M&S, preferably at a quiet time - weekends can be busy and you'll have to queue. They've always been brilliant in my experience. No personal comments, just a professional service.
M& S are useless. go to Debenhams, John Lewis or House of Frazer. A big department store with a goo lingerie departement or if you are lucky enough to have a local underwear shop (of good quality) they will measure you.
a good way to estimate is take the underbust measurement from the fullest measure ment. plus 1 inch is A cup, plus 2 inches B cup and so on. so I would say you are a 32C but it will always depend on the make and style of bra. I have bras from 36dd to 38D depending on the style and brand.