my 3 1/2 yr daughter has a fear of men. she has always been abit funny towards them. even some of my family, people that have always been in her life. (uncles) but now she has a male student at her playschool and she wont go, she normally loves it and cant wait to get there. how can i help her get over this fear without to much upset and worry for her.??
Don't fret,my daughter went through this for no apparent reason for about 6 months,she used to hide behind me if a man was walking towards us.
She is now 18 and loves them!!!
My mum always says that i went through a phase of this too when i was very little. She actually hated taking me out incase a man walked past us!! I have no idea why i was like this. I'm now 26 and have no problem with men!! lol
hi. thanks, she does see her her dad everyday although he dont live with us. she also see's her uncles and grandads at least once a week. im sure she will grow out of it eventually. my son is 1 and because he see her starting to panic he does too!!
its driving me mad!!