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Stupid Hats

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chrissa1 | 18:23 Sat 29th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I was sitting in a pub having lunch with my sister and daughter and these 2 lads came in. One was wearing one of those woolie hats that hang off the head and the other one had a pointed Peruvianlike hat with plaits hanging down the side. Now, and I'm showing my age here, but in the 60's if someone had said to a lad, "put this on it makes you look cool", they would have rather died than wear it. There were Real Men in those days or am I missing something???


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Yup, totally agree- men in the 60's looked like real men....
It's called "Fashion" chrissa1:-)
They are the most have to have headgear
this winter for the cool kit kids ..
I know, they are all wearing them round here too! I agree, they look odd on guys (albeit they are warm I suppose) but it's all about fashion isn't it? The young ones will wear anything if everyone else is (well, most of them anyway). My daughter said she would not be seen dead in a belt on the waist, but she's wearing one now that everyone else is! They are funny.
were they carrying a bag of yak sh1t, to put on the fire as well, chrissa,
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I was a mod in the 60s, but must admit there were some oddballs about, I would never have gone out looking like these twollops. es_from_the_sixties.jpg
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Oh my...the'60's. NOW THOSE WERE THE DAYS, when men were men and... women were women.
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Thanks for all your answers. I guess I do sound a bit like my mother. Loved the pictures so take your point about "!it's an era thing". My computer was playing up so I've just seen all your answers. Cheers.
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Pickle, you can get away with anything :-)

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Stupid Hats

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