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Do you tip???

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debbz1969 | 13:34 Tue 02nd Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Do you tip the postman, dustbinmen, paper boy/girl? If so how much do you usually give them?
I give the dustmen �10, paperlad �5 but don't usually give the postie anything, do you think I should?


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Yogasun - rarely do I tip in restaurants. The job of the waiter is to serve me with food - they get paid to do that job and to do it well. Noone tipped me when I did my job well !
I think it's all a bit 'master and servant'.

Anyway most restaurants share the tips between all the staff - so if I were to tip a waiter because they were particularly excellent, some of that tip would go to other people who were not good. And so many restaurants include a service charge anyway (not a practice I agree with).

Tipping should be done away with altogether ;o)

Lakitu makes a good point. In many organisations and definitely public service sectors employees are not allowed to accept gifts.
Hi Lottie
I agree with you that I have never been tipped for doing my jobs well over the years and I agree that in some establishments the tips are shared out. A lot of my Yoga siudents buy me presents at Christmas, it's really nice of them and I never expect them to, that's like a tip in a way I guess. I'm just a soft touch really I suppose
Do you not tip taxi drivers? Obviously not....;-)
I agree with Lottie, these people are paid to provide a service for me (I bloody pay it through Council Tax anyway!), so I'm not going to give them more money.

I think it's a bit different with your students, my beautician and Lotti's hairdresser, we know these people on a personal basis. I wouldn't know my postie or binman if they came and bit my bum.
Yes I see your point there Lakitu. We've had the same postman for years on end.
Hi yoga. I never go in a taxi :o) xx

I feel buying a gift for someone like your hairdresser is very unlike a tip. It's very personal to that person. I used to buy my last hairdresser little gifts for her children too. I wouldn't class gifts given to you by your yoga students as tips at all.
Hello Lakitu. You weren't there when I started my answer. x

(I was disappointed with the Hollyoaks later I watched last night and went to bed half way through. Thought it was all disjointed and very poorly produced. - apologies to debbz for butting in)
Point taken - I don't go in taxis but would tip if I did !
Weak or what?!! xx
Fair enough if you've had and known the same postie for years, you know him and you probably have a yap to him when you see him. I'm at work when my postie comes LOL.

I don't tip in a taxi unless I'm in a rush and can't be annoyed waiting for the small change LOL.

(I was a bit disappointed in Hollyoaks too, Lottie, but I must admit my heart was warmed with Mercedes, not often you see her truly that happy, I hope the wroters don't spoil it for her)

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