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cells, tissues, organs and organ systems

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joshdolly02 | 19:15 Mon 01st Dec 2008 | Science
3 Answers
Explain the importance of co operation between cells, tissues, organs and organ cells?


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This seems rather a vague question. Every cell in our body has a function, and has to receive nutrients and oxygen, plus dispose of waste, via the blood, in order to do their job. I can't quite see what you mean, as every organ's made up of cells. Therefore, without them, the organs and tissues wouldn't be. If they weren't there, then the body wouldn't function at all. If a cell mutates or "goes wrong", then this can effect the working of the tissue or organ it belongs to, so cells have to be healthy in order to perform the task they're there for, but this is only a very rough guideline as to the working of each area.

Excellent reply

Leave some gaps though
It'd go right down the page Elvis!!!!!

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cells, tissues, organs and organ systems

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