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droopdrawers | 20:56 Sun 30th Nov 2008 | Personal Finance
6 Answers
A friend needed to withdraw �3000 from an old Isa last August.

She is now in a position to put the money back into a new Isa.

Is it possible do this. She hasn't put any in her Isa's for 3 years,

I stand to be corrected on this



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No, you cannot put money back into a mini cash isa once it is withdrawn, the yearly limit on a tax isa is 3,600 so if she had 3000 in an isa she can put back 600, then wait until april when the new tax year starts, she can the put in up to the 3,600 again
Yes she can - you can pay in upto �3600 per year so if she hasn't paid any in for 3 years then she hasn't used this years allowance.

It doesn't matter that she had �3600 in there to begin with, she hasn't actually paid anything in yet this year.
But if she has withdrawn that money this year you cannot replace it.
Having re-read your question again, properly this time, cheeky is right, because she has not used this years allowance yet it will be ok to pay in up to the �3,600
Hiya ive worked with isas for the past 4 1/2 years (although as of tomorrow i am redundant!!!)

Yes you can add �3600 every year- from 06 April till 05 April the next year.

You can have as many isa's as you want open with as many banks- as long as you only contribute to ONE per tax year!!!

Tinkerbell x
Question Author
Thankyou everyone.

My friend has now replaced her Isa fund as she hadn't put any in this year so far.

So sorry to hear your to be made redundant tinkerbell. I wonder just whats happening to the banks and where it will all end. Sad times.

I hope you find other employment soon.


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