Present Help!! in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Present Help!!

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randomgirl | 15:54 Sun 30th Nov 2008 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers
Hi! Well, I know that this isn't actually a family question, there just wasnt a category that this question fitted into so i just put it in here!! :-) Right, me and my friends are doing a secret santa this year and have already picked out names. the person i got would really like a scarf from new look for her present (i know this because she was hinting at me loads the other week about it) which is 10 pound, but we said we'd only spend about 10 pound on each otherand i want to get her something else as well. So what do i go for? the scarf that she really wants and not much else, or a few smaller presents that she would really like ?? I know this seems a pointless question, but i really need some help on this!!!
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I'd just go for the scarf your friend wants. In my opinion, if you get her something else, you're going over the agreed limit, and that isn't fair on the others. Your friend would probably be unhappy if she knew what you were intending.
You know she'll like the scarf so get it. She might not like the 'few smaller presents'. However, if she's got a sister/brother or you know someone who'd be buying her a present you could give them the hint and you can buy your 'few smaller presents'.
go for the scarf. oh and there is a gift cettergory or xmas :-)
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Hi guys!! thanks for all your replies!! i think i probably will go for the scarf and 4getmenot, thanks for pointing that out! ill go there for future questions!! :)

RG :)
Get her what she wants!! We al get inundated with stuff we dont want..if she has been hinting heavily then it would be the perfect gift and more welcome than lots of bits!!

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