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Guess where....

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stewey | 21:25 Fri 05th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
......I'm going to be in about half an hour's time, or even thirty minutes from now??:)


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I'll go for the obvious and say the pub?
The UK?
Question Author
Lol at dot: that trip would take me at least an hour. I'm not that fast:)
ooooooooooo the Eifell tower then
home sweet home

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Please don't talk about 'fall' or 'fell' when you know that I have to cross the field:)
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Question Author
Right then, I'm orf to the 'Atria Bar & Grill'. If I see any of youse down there I'll gladly buy you a pitcher of beer. I'll check back in around 0100 your time and check to see if any damage-control is if I'll be able to apply it!
slept in bro
or are you bugging me ?

xxxxxxxxxxxxx lol

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Guess where....

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