Hi jen hun , yes he is . My step-father bought one for Porsche last year but we had to send it back because even their largest one was far too small for her . xxx
Hi bigmamma, that's lovely, you'll have my Charlie getting jealous. He's 12 today & he only gets a bag of dog chocs now, he's got so many toys & he's not so bothered with them.
yes jen, he's a KC Cavalier. I've had him since he was 15 months old so I missed the very cute puppy bit, but KC's are cute all of their lives - not the brainiest of dogs, but very cuddly & good company. I'm always tidying his bed & blanket but he likes it all scrunched as in the pic!
I'll have a look for yours....
Hi bigmamma, it's so nice to see pets that are loved and spoilt ,far better than the awful things we read in the paper that goes on in the world today.I spoil all my darlings and don,t feel guilty at all.g.