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I will not be popping

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stewey | 23:12 Sun 07th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
off to the 'Atria Bar & Grill' tonight. It's -22c with the wind chill....I guess I must be a little nesh.


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I sense they know you well enough to deliver....... !
Go on then, what's nesh?
Nesh is when someone feels the cold, PB.

Hey stewey - think you'd better stay over - then you'll be there for tomorrow's session without having to brave the elements again!! : )
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Hi, guys. No, they won't deliver. Anway I stopped at the liquor store on the way hame from shopping and brought two large cans of it's not all that bad:)

Nesh is an English dialect adjective meaning unusually susceptible to cold weather and there is no synonym for this use. Usage has been recorded in Cheshire, Staffordshire, the East Midlands, Lancashire, South Yorkshire and Shropshire. [1][2][3][4][5]

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Knobby. Who's your ex bird: chico?:)
Lol Knobby! Did Bouncer go in with you? Is that why he's got no....worries about going out in the cold these days?? In fact....oh no...I won't go there! : )
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I'm fine sweetie. Had company over the weekend, that's all, and I'm in a lousy mood, sorry to say, so i hope you nice peeps can cheer me up. x
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Would a couple of glugs from my can of beer bring cheer, Ice?
Do you know - I think just ONE would, stewey! Cheers. : )

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I will not be popping

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