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Granary loaf from Sainsbury

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terambulan | 01:39 Tue 09th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Its made from floor sweepings. More grit than flour and stuck between my teeth. Painful and chewy! And bluddy expensive at 1.99 for little loaf. Supposed to be 'speciality loaf'! My ar8e!

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Try a Morrison's one hun - they'#ve set like bricks by the following day. You need a hammer and chisel to crack one open. : )
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Is it that Jamie putting his recipes into Sainsburys? No wonder kids complain of todays foods.

Back to Tesco for me.
****** it T - make your own. Tesco's can be as bad!!
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Can't be doing with all that kneading Ice......I had an electric bread thingy.....not much good either. Will leave it all alone and diet instead.

LOL!!!! I've got a lovely breadmaker - done in an hour, with all sorts of recipes - and it'd save you money!
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The only reason I wanted some tasty bread was for rabbit stews the bikers have had me cooking.

I like kneading bread......great therapy...but I've not done it in ages!!!tescos granary Batons are nice....;-0
*the bikers*?
Blimey - do you cater for ziggy???
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my son & his mates are all bikers.
And I thought I was the only one for ziggy....... ;-(

bet they are hungry guys,teram
Well they all have to eat, don't they? very nice of you, T. I bet teh guys appreciate it.
I like the part baked rolls you can buy they come out the oven in 10 mins and you can spread your butter on warm bread mmmmm yum.

They usually are white bread only but if you look around you can buy wholemeal and granary in some shops. You can buy baguettes, and mini rolls.
If you have �15 to spare you could try the new bread which went on sale yesterday in Harrods!!
It is made from Roquefort and Almond sourdough! At that price you want gold grits in it!!

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Granary loaf from Sainsbury

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