Clue answer leads to name of medical condition or complaint. Please will anyone help with my last 3, in time to catch post on Thursday ? 35. Bakewell sauce (Tartar has been suggested, but I do not feel at ease with it !). 53. I go on the green in Paris. 64. Last entered the UK (from Sri Lanka) on 18/04/08.
"...A case of rabies has been confirmed in a puppy in quarantine. A puppy was imported from Sri Lanka and entered the UK into licensed quarantine premises in the south east of England on 18 April..."
Re 64. Rabies - of course ! And there was I concentrating on the various strains of 'flu".
Re 35. I shall "go" with "tartar" if I think of no alternative or nothing else is suggested.
The whole quiz has been interesting but challenging and difficult, in my opinion.
Must go to bed now, and thanks again for your help.