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sick of xmas songs

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dustypuss | 11:37 Fri 12th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I am all ready sick of the radio and shops playing Xmas songs .

do you think xmas goes on to long


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I can't stand Christmas (bah humbug!)

It's a shame really because i used to love it. My mum's from Finland and tradition is a big thing for her. The morning sauna, getting dressed up and decorating the tree ( a real one - none of that plastic nonsense) and listening to finnish christmas songs. Then followed by with a traditional Finnish smorgesborg filled with a roast ham, baked fish and other delights before opening our presents in the evening (24th!)

In the UK however it's just so OTT with plastic this and plastic that. Manic shopping and in your face fluorescent lights where ever you go. And a boring turkey dinner to finish the whole thing off. zzzzzz.

I just can't wait for it to be over. Roll on Summer that's all i can say. When the days are lighter and warmer and everyone's happy again (until it rains - but at least there's summer holidays!).

Oh and children, Santa does NOT come from the North Pole, he lives in Lapland. I know. I've met him!
logic i hope you are joking.
You want to live over here, the favourite every Christmas is El pez en el rio - the fish in the river - nothing whatsoever to do with xmas but they churn it out year after year.

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