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Camcorder recording time

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Grey Dolphin | 11:02 Sat 13th Dec 2008 | Technology
2 Answers
I am thinking about buying an SD camcorder which comes with a 4gb SD card. How much recording time can I reasonably expect from 4gb?


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it depends on what quality the camera is and what settings you have it set to for the encoding.

The higher quality you use the less time you will get on the card.

640 x 480 video at 30 frames a second with sound probably about 1.5 - 2 hours but best to check the manual for the camera as that should tell you approx what to expect.
and also 4gb sd cards can be got for under �10 so why not just buy a couple more. h-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=sd+card&x=0&y=0

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Camcorder recording time

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