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Abused and Gone

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Mr Veritas | 15:43 Mon 15th Dec 2008 | Site Suggestions
48 Answers
Due to the abuse he received (mainly from Dr Spock & Gormless) because he "dared" report someone(foley 1 for mulit overposting) he asked me to post this:~

He has now left AB for good,I tried to get himto stay but he wasn't having any.
So you won't be seeing in a pickle again.

I hope this makes sense,it doesn't to me


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Yes, unfortunately, there are a few people who get a kick out being sarcastic, but don't try to mask it, they simply don't give a toss!
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To you, he may well have been Doc, but there are some pretty nasty people who hide behind their screens!

Besides, my last post wasn't just aimed at you Doc - I've been on AB since 2002 & in that time have read some pretty nasty comments by arrogant people, who no doubt would otherwise quake in their boots if faced.
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I've seen some of your YouTube postings Doc & some of them are clever & have made me laugh, 'specially the last cat one! ;o}
I still wonder how the original foley1 might be feeling now.

Possibly rushed in from school, logged into Answerbank with excitement to see how fellow humans had answered her (I idealise) questions. Instead of which...... reported to the Editor and BANNED.

Great stuff.
Doc, where can I find you on youtube? I'm curious after smudge's reference to the cat one.
I hope Mr Veritas doesn't mind, but this is the thread on Doc Spock's cat, 'specially for isnibs .

You will find some links to YouTube, one of which is the fierce cat in question! ure/Pets/Question671089.html

Hope it makes you smile....

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