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trying to get on here

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gina32 | 16:31 Tue 16th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
has anyone else had probs getting on here? ive been trying for several days and the only way i got on today was by googling the answerbank and going via a question link!


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well after getting constantly kicked off here with IE telling me it couldn;t display the web page i have changed to Firefox and got on easy no probs for the first time in ages
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yes thats the message ive been getting thanks
this is amazing, after 5 minutes i have managed to open every page and link!!!!! unheard of with IE, i thought it was ab being an arse but it might not be do you stop emails being delivered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been trying all morning, and I still can't get on!
I've been having problems getting into "questions i gave answers to" for over a week now.

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trying to get on here

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