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How can this be sorted? How to sort it? Will it be sorted.

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TWR | 20:37 Thu 18th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Again to day, Murders, Tererorists, Muggers, Pedos, Is there an answer? I posted these Qs on another site to see if the responce is the same.


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Unfortunately there will always be murders, muggers, terrorists etc etc. In a world with a population of over 6b the problems will never go away.
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No, there is no solution.

There are many factors, but these are primary:

1) Different cultures do not mix - this is why they are different cultures

2) Different races do not mix - this is why they have their own countries

3) Islam strives to destroy anything non-Islam

4) Mankind just wants to make a quick buck.

5) Jesus is regarded as fictional and irrevelant.

Evil will progress relentlessly.
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We're doomed , I tell you dooooooooomed !

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How can this be sorted? How to sort it? Will it be sorted.

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