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FAO Bathsheba

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mrs_overall | 21:42 Thu 18th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I've answered your Q about the parking ticket. xx


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Clothed or nuddy?
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Ok, I'll open the face flap of my burka for you
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Ooh!!!! A FAO for me!!! How exciting :-) Thanks Mrs O, i'll have a look xxxxx
Looks like you might be ok then, Mrs O! I do hope so, cos i think it's been over 28 days since the incident, and when it happened to me they wrote to me after a month requesting and extra �20.Fingers crossed for you, and sorry to hear about the projectile vomitting :-( xxx
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Ta Bathsheba.
He was back at school today. I think the Xmas party this afternoon prompted a swift recovery!

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FAO Bathsheba

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