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stokemaveric | 20:41 Sat 20th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
told a white lie today???????????


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(Don't tell anyone!!!!! ;D)
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come on spill the beans lol
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Erm, kinda yeah.

My mum was making some mean comments at a family dinner on Monday night.

I spoke to her today and she asked me if I had a nice time which for the most part I did but I'd never tell her I ended up crying outside the station waiting for my train home.
I told the store keeper I was a size 00 when I'm a size 2! Oops...
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jenna that is so sad hope u r ok now xx
I'm good now :) These guys on the station made me laugh so much and fed me Starburst and cheered me up :)

I'm used to it but it just got to me that night esp as it was a meal to celebrate my brother's engagement, Phd and Christmas before he flew to Canada.

Before he got on his train he hugged me and said he was sorry mum was being mean to me and I felt so bad he and probably his fiancee had noticed. Usually it's just me and her when she says stuff like that.

Ok now though.
Sorry I forgot.... xxx :)
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thats good jenna,maybe you should have a quiet word in your mums ear and tell her that she upsets you a little with her comments,glad you are ok now tho,and hope you have a lovely xmas...
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sorry i 4got xxx lol
No - no lies today.
Hope you're okay jenna - mum's can be insensitive at times (I know, I am one!)
I've tried and kinda got past it now, some things will never change (like her obsession with my weight, hatred of me smoking (fair dos though) and other issues) so most of the time I just try and let it go over my head.

I realised I can't change her, just the way I react to her and do pretty well most of the time. She just caught me in a fragile moment the other night.
Argh, again, xxx

and some for bensmum too :) xxx
Jenna, I can sympathise with you as I have a similar relationship with my mother. She's always putting me down, especially in front of other people. It's damned hurtful but if I tackle her about it she turns it around so that she becomes the injured party. It drives me insane.

And stoke, no fibs today from me.

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