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oh well................

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stokemaveric | 02:55 Wed 24th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
looks like im the last man standing........goodnite all....


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lol have you wrapped mine up yet???
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lol dont get me tempted by the chocolate....pleeeessseeee
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lol size 10.................. ever been to Newcastle-Under-Lyme?
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hi stewey yes loads of times why m8?
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lol goodbyegirl i dont think ill squeeze into it........
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i got you something to
I was born there 'numerous' years ago. Went to a school on Stanier St, and lived in Clayton. Good memories of quiet country lanes laden with blackberry bushes, no traffic, and sneaking into Trenham Gardens!
Trentham Gardens, that is.
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lol stewey i live 2 minutes from trentham gardens,they have a massive ''big wheel'' there now its all lit up at looks rather grand........
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ditto goodbye girl........merry xmas to you 2...xx
I start wrapping tonight while the turkey cooks and I blanch the root veggies ready for roasting on Christmas day.

But first, I have a full busy days work sorting out clients! Have a care for your stylists doing their best to make you feel glamorous! Fat tips always welcome 'cause we're at it till after New Years!
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oh well terambulan i have nothing but respect for you,i would tip you real good.......but my head is shaven

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oh well................

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