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A very quiet good morning :)

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Eve | 09:29 Wed 24th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I have a bitof a headache thing morning but am up and about as need to do some final bits in town before Christmas hits.

Am hoping my dad has managed to become a great shopper overnight as entrusted him with getting mum's presents from him (I usually get them) so will ring him in a bit to find out just how mad my day is going to be lol :)

Hope everyone else has a lovely day :) xxx


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Sara whispers.. morning lil sis.. hope you got a good night's sleep and your dad has managed to pull off the Christmas pressies! have a lovely Christmas eve x
I'm dreading it.....Went to tesco's yesterday and couldn't even get a parking space so thought we'd get up really early and do it this morning. He's still in bed though. I also haven't wrapped the presents and a few haven't even arrived....!!!
you drunken skitter you-
your blow by blow account ,last night,about getting into bed was v good tho--- :<)
morning, i think i've got a sodding cold
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Thank you sis :) I am about to shift my mum for a nice long hot shower and think there will definitely be a coffee stop in town before I hit the shops :) x
How come you two refer to each other as 'sis' but refer to your parents as 'my' Dad or Mum and 'your' Dad ??
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ooh and everyone else :)

Aww mcfluff, everyone seems to be sniffling at the moment!

Ummmm, I've done no wrapping yet and one of my mum's presents didn't arrive!!! Argh!

Hey beejay :) I was sooo tipsy last night lol :)
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We're cyber sisters lol, will message you on FB to explain why :)
well put.. I thought I'd let you answer that one ;o)
i need food, anyone want a sausage sarnie i'm going to the butty van
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Ok cool.

Luckily the kids are out today and there's only 3 of us for dinner this year. Usually there's 10+.

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A very quiet good morning :)

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