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Poppa Rumbo Rumbo Hey Poppa Joe Coconut...

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Bbbananas | 09:02 Wed 24th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Was it one of the seminal songs of the 70's?
Or was it just Sweet?

Merry Christmas Everybody - you've been Slade.
xx T


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I don't know it, Salla x

Aaaargh I now have that song in my head!

Must get another in it now....LOL

Merry Christmas to you too :)
Aah, okay ... I've just YouTube'd it.

Like this one, haysi ... ?

I wanna be trapped, By a lasso freak,

I want to be kidnapped, At least for a week.

Give me a Cow, Give me a Boy, Give me a Cooowboooy !!
Question Author
Naff. But I always feel naff & nostalgic on a xmas eve.
I am working until lunch - then you will hear nothing nilch nil nowt from me until at least the 6th of Jan.

Chrimbo with my kids & The Parents. Then off sailing with my beloved somewhere along the south coast. You never know Jayne - we may end up in your neck of the woods if the wind is the right way.... we may be snogging the faces of complete strangers at the dong of new year next to each other in a cocktail bar, and not even know it..!

I love you all. (No - have not yet broken open the sloe gin - just naturally on a high) with the help of a double dose of Beechams Flu-Plus.
JJ I LOVE Bowwowwow, thanks for that! I used to have my hair like annabellas many moons ago :)

Salla that sounds like the perfect Christmas, have a great time. :)
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I liked the bowwows too - & that song was out the year my ickle boy Daniel Spaniel was born. (Although the week he was born, Come on Eileen by Dexy's M.R.'s was number 1).

You used to have your hair like that Haysi? Cool. Are you Haysi Fantasi ?!
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Crikey, haysi ... you had that hair? That was brave.

They were so cheesey, and dreadful musicians ... but quite fun. I think Cowboy was their best song.

Hey salla ... it would be so fab if you were down our way. We might snog each other !!

Actually, I'm round at someone's house for a black tie party on New Year's Eve, so we'll have to secretly fondle each other another time ...


I'll have one of the lappys with me all over the hols, except New Year's Eve.

Some time on Christmas Day, Momba will get engrossed in some rubbish film, and Daddy will just nod off, so I might log on and see who's around.

Have a fab and jolly time over the break Salla.

I would say "be good" ... but no ...

Be ... W I C K E D !!!!

what does seminal mean ?
LOL I had all sorts of crazy styles when much younger, and yes I am Haysi Fantaysi!

Have to love you and leave you ladies (and doc )

Work beckons, have a fabby Christmas xxx
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Well, apart from the obvious semen-related meaning (!) - I actually meant it to mean, in a musical context, progressive, original, influential....
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Oh Jayne, an opportunity missed for a bit of chatterbank tongue action... never mind mate - another time?!

And yes - I will be wicked !!
You too?
I'm hardly ever on my best behaviour, LOL

wizzzzzzzzzzzzard lol
no leggy It was SWEET not WIZZARD.

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