White people are as a rule generally richer and thus can afford a better education as such economically and socially we are quite strong and so are able to suffer the sleights of press misreprensentation for what they are, examples of a type of behaviour that are for all social groups etc.
I do remember "Goodness Gracious Me" doing a scene were a westernised Indian woman was turned back into an easternised Indian woman and this was demonstrated by her ability to take a punch by her husband, all things considered I think men are rather poorly portrayed in the media regardless of colour.
Given the lack of positive male role models in many houses the need for such men to be promoted is greater now than ever before.
As a child my hero was (and still is) Martin Luther King I can remember plain as day the first time I heard the "I have a dream" speech, hairs on the back of my neck are standing up with just that memory right now.