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ftao of the house mice

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legendis.god | 19:08 Wed 24th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Hope you two have a good christmas and get alll you want and deserve.

Will be thinking of ya .

merry xmas i will telll you thissssssss


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I'm feeling very sorry for you as everybody else is off enjoying Christmas Eve.
Look, no hard feelings, but do have a nice Christmas and try to get some sort of life sorted out..
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Nobby its not a troll alert !
I am wishing him a Merry Christmas..

leggys girlfriend
Its a good picture of leggs girlfriend..I agree

But please lets have a nice evening and not slag him off all night.

Its the time of good will to all men
Question Author
lol dusty i knocked back one of the house mice
and shes held a grudge ever since


btw talk to the troll up there

i wouldnt give it house spacve

anyways away out for th e nite

See you in ten minutes

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ftao of the house mice

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