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Voice Over

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cwells | 10:23 Mon 29th Dec 2008 | Adverts
3 Answers
Who does the voice over for the DFS adverts


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I'm sorry, I'd love to help but I'm afraid I mentally switch off when ANOTHER sofa advert comes on.
Thomas Craig, (born 4 December 1962 in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England as Craig Thompson) is a British actor best known for his work on such TV series as Where the Heart Is and Tommy Harris in Coronation Street, and also the film The Navigators, directed by Ken Loach in 2001. He with the red hair who worked in the garage in corry and his daughter katie murdered him with a spanner I think
Well I never! How do you find out these things?? Now I know who he is, yes, I can see him. Well Done

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