Flu Jab in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Flu Jab

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rov1200 | 12:47 Mon 29th Dec 2008 | Health & Fitness
11 Answers
Will the current Flu Jab protect you from the flu epidemic going the rounds. My Doctors surgery was completely full with patients wanting a cure for their flu.
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Dunno rov- but if those people managed to make it to the doc's, they didn't have flu x
I believe that it protects against one of the strains doing the rounds (supposedly) but agree with Bathsheba, those with genuine flu would be in bed not able to move a muscle and wishing to die.
Bit of a guessing game as to which flu virus it is....BUT:
The present vaccine is 70-80% effective againsr 2 strains of influenza A and one strain of influenza B. Now the virus has a party trick of occasionally changing it's antigenic structure and it has done this in the past, in which case, this vaccine would be useless.

Fingers crossed eh!
The vaccine is for proper flu, most of the people in the doctors probably just had a bad cold or some other virus.
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I was told they are in the process of making a flu jab that will deal with all strains of flu rather than a hit or miss affair as at present.

Whether those patients were suffering from Flu or not they all certainly coughed and wheezed a lot. Make me feel ill especially when the flu jab is not fully effective for about 10 days!
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rov1200....you can only make a vaccine against an influenza virus if you knpw it's antigenic (genetic/DNA) structure. As my above answer indicates, it has had a habit in the past of changing this structure, which would have to be then worked out before a vaccine could be made.

It is not hit or miss at the moment, vaccine is made for the influenza viruses whose structue we know. BUT watch out for a new strain fir which there is no vaccine.
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I'm only repeating what I was told by the nurse. Without knowing the latest trends in medical research I assumed there was something general in every flu DNA that the vaccine can latch onto.
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Could this be it?


Hope so as it will do away with the annual jab.
rov1200....thanks, that was quite interesting....the nurse was quite correct......I didn't know that. Instead of targetting the DNA, the vaccins is to target a specific protein in the nucleus common to ALL flu viruses. Pity it won't be for 5-10yrs.

Thanks again rov.
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If it works on the volunteers currently under test I predict that the acceleration of the vaccine will jump over all the hoops and be here within a year or two. There is a lot at stake and hope a British company will get the rewards from it. But do we ever?

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