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defamation of character

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bob57 | 09:13 Tue 30th Dec 2008 | Law
22 Answers
If a person (A) tells person (B) that he has done something illegal and person (B) after a short period of time accuses him of doing said illegal activity can person (A) take legal action against person (B) i:e sue person (B)


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Libel can occur online as well as in newspapers and other printed material.
Knowledge of the 'defamed' person is immaterial.

The reality is there are very few defamation cases whether it be slander or libel - it is too expensive and unless the 'defamer' has money it is totally pointless; monetary compensation is the only redress.

And of course any court action revives the original defamation, possibly aggravating the situation for the innocent person and his or her family.

Unless the damage caused by the defamation is great, it is rarely worth pursuing action.
Even if the claimant is successful s/he may not be awarded costs - there was a case where the compensation awarded was 1p, no costs. The legal bill was many thousands of pounds, which had to be paid by the claimant
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thank you for the comments some were crazy some were funny and some were very good
and as for sara3 no bob was not person (A) its a shame you never put a wager on it
but never mind
happy new year to you all and I will hopefully hear from you next year

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defamation of character

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