I am rather confused by 123everton's supposition that the most stble Democracies are Monarchist,when there are very few Monarchies left.
In Europe we have:~
Liechtenstein(too small with the following two too really count)
Jordan (not really a Democracy)
Saudi Arabia (definitely NOT a Democracy)
UAE(again NOT Democracies)
Morocco( still not a Democracy)
Tonga (possibly becoming Democratic,but taking a long time about it)
Japan (well Democractic now,but just think about theirEmperor and WW2!)
Nepal(The Royal Family there ran the country until recently in a VERY undemocratic way).
Thailand( a figurehead Royal Family to add authenticity to a Military Junta)
So arguing that a country is more of a Democracy if it has a Sovereign doesn't really work I am afraid,
Yes,there are Republics that are bad too, but there Republics that are not.
The argument here is regarding our "Monarchy" and unlike the Democratic ones in much of Europe our Royal Family still gets too much respect and money for doing very little.
If we had a President we could at least vote him/her out of office.
We have been waiting for over 1,000 years to do so to this dysfunctional family.