I think I would probably buy the newest Flight Simulator game. It might sound boring, but it can get seriously addictive. On the last one that came out, you could fly a space shuttle!
If I didn't already have it, I would buy Unreal Tournament 2004, which I play online. It never gets dull as there are new maps available all the time, and you would have quite a lot of change from your �50.
Gran Turismo 4 is a very good game but its too hard for me! I cant do it at all, does anyone know any cheats for it, or know were I can get any??? Im really struggling with it, thinking of selling it to be honest.. anyone???
ps - fifa street is my choice, good game if u like football.
the 2 greatest games ever made are the original half life and quake 3. if you want a game to last buy the new half life, the on line community ensures that the game or the modifications such as counter strike and day of defeat and perhaps new ones in the future ensure that you will get some much playabiltiy, i was playng the original hl for at least 6 years, likewise with q3. doom3 is also a good new game that will go on and on, you will need a decent pc to play these games though & broadband