What is the meaning of the ellipsis (...) when used to link 2 crossword clues? For example 49 it's great to hear about fruit ... (4) 50 ... fish with heather as bait (4) I believe the answers are rasp and ling; but why are the clues linked with the ellipsises (if that is the correct word and spelling!)
usually it just means the two clues can be read together as if they're one sentence - which is misleading as each clue actually has to stand on its own. So it's a bit like the compiler saying 'Aren't I clever, I've got two clues in a row that sound as if they actually belong together.'
Having said that, those two clues don't read together at all as far as I can see... So maybe someone has a better explanation
Hello AnaMarg. I haven't seen this crossword so my opinion is based solely on what you have put. I don't think the answer to 49 is 'rasp' as that word on it own isn't a fruit. Pear on the other hand is and can also mean grate.