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Bigfoot in GTA San Andreas

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cuetip | 21:08 Fri 25th Aug 2006 | Gaming
7 Answers
Has anyone come across the bigfoot in san andreas or is it just a myth?

And if you did find it, where was it?


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Urban legend

There is no Bigfoot in GTA San Andreas

There are screenshots of it..some laughably fake..some pretty professionally done...but all fake
I saw it!

But I may have been drunk at the time!
ive had the mighty beast! i think its on the second island, i havent played in ages though so this will be sketchy, i think coming onto the second island you go to your left and theres a trailer park, surrounded by a fence and sometimes the big foot is in there, im pretty sure thats right, it only appears randomly though
its supposedly at back o beyond and ur only supposed to be able to hear it at night
Yeah its in a trailer park just over the bridge to the right and is red in colour.
I assume by Bigfoot you mean the monster truck.

Go to the pier with the ferris wheel on it in the south west corner of Los Santos.
Get on the dual carriageway that passes underneath it and head west. You should come to a bridge.
Cross the bridge then take a left and you'll pass a trailer park just on your right.
The monster truck can often be found in there.

You can also find it parked outside Michelle's garage in San Fierro but only after reaching 100% with her. She's one of CJs many girlfriends.

Or you can just type "monstermash". But that's cheating.

You don't want the monster truck though, it's pants. I'd recommend the Sandking, the thing flies along over any terrain and is practically impossible to roll. The Sandking can be found parked directly under "The Big Ear" which is just south west of the army base. Not sure at what point in the game this appears though. I spotted it long after finishing the story missions.

However if you meant Nessies best pal then I can't help, I've not seen one in San Andreas.
And I've just wasted 10 minutes. Oh well, such is life.
no, by bigfoot he means the monster.
Not true anyway, but 'meant to be' around back o' beyond, so you could look i spose.

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