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Christmas cards....

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smudge | 13:12 Wed 07th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
What do you do with all the Christmas cards you've received, once the festive season in over?

I like to keep the ones from my nearest & dearest, but always have so many others I don't bother keeping.....


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i throw them, AS i receive them.....some i dont even open......waste of time, space, energy....grrr i hate xmas
I give them to my son who cuts them all up and makes really crap pictures for me to pin the fridge....
You could always be thrify, cut them up make gift tags for next year's pressies :)
id tell him aswell....buck his ideas up or he will never make anything of himself
On the fridge....!!!

So do I eyebrows.
theres thrifty, and mean....big difference
I think we've already established and accepted that...!!!
LOL @ eyebrows
dont pass to charity shops....they bin them.
I tippex them and send them back next year
I put mine in the Woodlands Trust bin at my local Tesco.
wouldnt even waste the tipex...
yep tesco recycle them. My mate keeps hers till next year cuts the pics out and makes new cards to send to people. I keep my nearest and dearest till next year especially my nans. its weird only a bit of paper but each to their own
your local kids nurseries might take them i know when my children were at nursery they always did
Stick them in the recycle bin.
I keep important ones on display throught the Christmas period, the rest stay on the cupboard in a neat pile (especially all the ones I get from the children at school - sorry to all the parents who pay for these cards) and then once christmas is over, they all get recycled.
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Thank you for all your helpful answers.

I think I'll ask my daughter if their lower school would like them for artwork, etc.

Happy New Year again.
I think sending cards should just be for saved for people who you don't see to say Happy Christmas to or can't send an Ecard to. It's all got out of hand.

I've been restricting sending to neighbours, members of societies to which I belong etc by just wishing them Merry Christmas when I see them and give a small donation to a local charity instead.

On rhe subjest of recycling however, I use whatever I can for tags, new cards and then recycle the remainder.

Most large stores in the uk have boxes in which to recycle and our local council take cardboard together with garden waste in a green bin which is collected fortnightly.

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Thank you canasta. I have to admit, I found it quite laborious writing all the cards out this year! I usually receive 50/60, so end up sending the same!

I realise I could put them in our recycling bin &/or take them to the local supermarket & do the same, but wondered if there were any other helpful uses.

I used to sit & make tags with my granddaughters, but they're at school now, plus the fact I don't get time, so I'll offer them to the school.

Thanks too no.k!

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Christmas cards....

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