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glass raised

cheers xxxxxxxxx
sighhhh...what a crock
-- answer removed --
Well, if it's "officail" then you certainly can't argue with it.
Question Author
Well thanks it is rather nice.
Ive had a few commentts about it.
But its just the one i was born with.

But then i guess its all a matter of taste innit?


D T H?

Oh did you type CrOCK ?�?�?�?

yes there was defo an R in that word dear !
Dusty -was that a typo or am I needing my kip??
Question Author
wait till i het the soap knobby

jayne wanna join us for a 3some?�

LOL..we knew you had it in you.....!!
Not if you're going to "het" the soap again !!

Bl00dy Scottish traditions.

you are needing your kip
Question Author

is that you talkin geordie ?

way aiiiee e man
Beddie calls ...

... night guys x x x
Night JJ x
Question Author
nite dris and jayne

I want this to be a friendly, pleasant group for EVERYONE to be part of!

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Do you know the answer?

its officail

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