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stokemaveric | 01:02 Fri 09th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
ive just read that the govt are on about printing more mrs spends enough as it is.......HEEELLLPP


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ooOOOooooo Goody!

*claps hands rapidly*

I saw it on the news earlier on today too.

Question Author
this is not good isa is losing money by the hour,and now they are printing money for the wife to at my wits end,im being hammered all ends
Think about it, money is only paper, the more they print the more there is...problem solved
send it this way please...I will use it wisely... ;-))
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lol are my point in question
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lol knobby now that is my sort of job........
I'd spend it wisely as well pasta, like getting a nice new handbag - one that i REALLY like, this time! : )
Question Author
yes lets give the women of this country more money to spend that will soon kick start the
You sound like a good man, stoke!! : )

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