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Nite sweeties....

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pastafreak | 03:07 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
internet has been tempermental here-so have mostly be reading in.....long day and am shattered. So have a good evening all who are still up..


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night and sweet dreams x
pasty wot u workin manana?

nite pinky btw starnger
night night pasta and twink

Mamya x
Night night punkin. Have a good one. xxxx : )
Even AB has been temperamental tonight!!!

Night,night pasta.....
sweet dreams...
Oh - are you going mamya? Night to you as well hun!
you need an upgrade lol

nite pasta x
nite Pasta...hope the new job isn't knocking you out?
Question Author
Nite all xxxx

leggy-I am off tomorrow.......having a well-deserved lie-in!!!
Right,I'm definitely going to me bed now....

So, nite all......
see you on AB again soon.
me too night night all have a nice day off pasta xx
Night night Imhotep and pink. x
-- answer removed --
Night Bez - and teram if she's still there. I'm off as well now.
Night to Leggy, pasta and all. xx

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Nite sweeties....

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