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meta | 20:52 Thu 24th Oct 2002 | Phrases & Sayings
6 Answers
What goes up and never comes down?


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Aw! Spoil my fun by getting it right straight away! But are there any other possible answers?
inflation? waistlines? girlfriends knickers? the cost of your favourite product in the shop?
For a more boring answer, Helium and Hydrogen gas. Neither are dence enough to be held in the earths gravity.

Other answers....
deep space satalites? (am I scraping the bottom of the barrel or what?)
Someone with a bad batch of Viagra!!! Need I say more.
The cost of a bag of chips when there's a potato shortage. Once spuds are plentiful again, and come down in price, chips from the chip shop never seem to follow suit!

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