The Guardian said that Australia was complete poo. Badly acted, tediously long, and, rather than setting some of the facts straight, was actually a complete distortion of the historical facts.
I think it's definitely going to be one of the first 3 - probably slumdog as I could do with something bighearted & warming.
Australia I'll wait until dvd - then if it's poo - I don't have to stick with the whole 3 hours.,
Chuck taught me! if you hold down the alt key, enter some digits, release the alt key, symbols appear. the up arrow is alt 24. but you have to hold down the alt whilst typing the numbers. here's the link...
Oh bollards!!! it's not working - it should be a heart.. anyhoo - have to get to school - see you later - and thank you for not asking me to clean your house! lol ;-)
Slumdog would be my choice. I am just reading Shantaram which is set in the Bombay slums so it has set the whole thing alight for me. (its a brilliant book by btw)
Sara, thanks for that link from chuck. I fancy doing the crotchet or quaver or whatever it is so shall have a practice