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Some have to get up early!

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stompe | 23:35 Mon 12th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
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wud hate that have the morning off yippee
Well seeing i was awake at 2.45pm this morning up at 5pm and went to work for 7.30pm and didnt come up for 6 hours pails into obliovion!!!
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and working the same day from 3 till 10 so shut the **** up lol!!!
it's not like you have a proper job!
think you all got it bad...i'm working from midnight till 4pm....five shifts a week!
sara what his job didnt get that!!
do you know the Deacon Blue song "Dignity"?

that's stompe, that is ;o)
gonzo what days off do you have after that
Question Author
Cat Exterminator
thats a crackin song...and so true!.....if ya know the song you'll know the job!
can you do cyber exterminations?????????????
ain't that right, Bogey?!!!
puddi..only get two days off a week..the boss decides when!...usuaally end up working one of those as overtime!
Question Author
Sara Would yer like to COME on my Boat?
oh gonz is it legal night!!
lol..under french employment law anything is legal! lol! it pay's very well and it's only for now!
depends on the size of your boat, to be honest.

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Some have to get up early!

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