doesn't matter if it's bleedin' obvious or not, if you want to make a case of it you need the facts. If you tried to prosecute McDonald's over the amount of litter and they said in court 'prove it', then you might have to. So now they have; and the facts might be enough to shame McDonald's into doing better. An awful lot of stuff (on AB as elsewhere) is just anecdotal - all Muslims are terrorists, apparently. Policies need to be based on facts.
As for Harry, the problem with his offensiveness isn't that he's a soldier, it's that he's third in line to the throne. If we're going to be ruled by a soldier, I'd sooner it was Colin Powell. I'm going to let Harry off this time because it was years ago and he might have learnt some manners since then. I've got nothing in principle against the royals either, Dot, they're quite cheap as figureheads go. But if they're going to be our rulers, I want their mouths washed out with soap and water thank you.