hafve just checked my bak and been paid an extra �25 income support and an extra �20 for tax credits anyone else on these benifits had an extra payment???
I would have thought that most of those facing long term unemployment cant afford a pc if they dont already have one but tenner a month or so for internet is hardly anything to get on your soap box about, especially as there is a high chance that there are children living in the house. I find it to be brilliant for helping my eldest with his homework, whenever he needs to draw a picture of something, google images comes up trumps, also helps me with my coursework too.
Just so you know i agree that every1 should get a payment and whoo hoo i'm back to work on the 12th of feb and got my man moving in so no more income support back to the working class citizen i used 2b
I wasn't being judgemental. I was trying, in a roundabout way, to say that we all feel the cold in winter- why can't everyone have a fuel allowence? Regardless of whether you work or not.
I really try not not, but sometimes you do feel like your penalised because you work for a living sometimes.
I completely agree with u alot of the people in my area are on benifits when they could easy wor, i have been out of work for a year due to ex screwing me over and my son was very young he is now 2yrs old now and i can't wait 2 get back to mental health nursing
Yes, this extra �25 per week if the weather dips below the threshold for enough consecutive nights is means tested.
You are not entitled to it simply because you are old enough to claim a state pension.
Boo - the government has no money, it is taxpayers money it is giving away. If it wasn't means tested and given to everyone, your tax and my tax would go up to pay for it.
Boo thats the way the benefit system can work sometimes
when in scotland i got no help from the social security when i was laid off for 6 weeeks. whilst my neighbour next door got plenty , he never worked for 15 years neither did his dead beat son , whos now in jail for 10 years as an accomplice to murdering a guy in the street on his way to work.for an ipod.thing is
how do you split an ipod between 2 murderers?off topic there but just came to mind
his dads still on benefits now nearly 20 years , mind you they can afford plenty drink and dope.
I got laid off in October and I've worked all my life (bar when my Dad was dying) It's not fair to just presume people on benefits are lazy scroungers.
I can't keep on like this cos I can't afford to. I need a job....any going????
Boo i agree with that ...and when i see the
chavs with the babies being used as meal
tickets ..they all eat in the local cafes ,and
have money for designer kit and fags ...
nice homes funded by the tax payer ...
what a wonderful life ...and never worked ...
do they know the meaning of the word ???
I agree Legend (now there's something you didn't expect eh?)
I know we're straying off the topic- sorry Grapey, but you wouldn't believe the amount of dole spongers who come into the Co op for their daily booze, fags, scratchcards and lottery tickets. The money they spend on these items is sometimes mindboggling, and quite frankly I'm bloody jealous as I can't afford those things despite both me and my husband both working. Something wrong somewhere