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theonlyone | 18:46 Wed 14th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
that when someone in the family passes
away , you can only get a funeral payment
if the family are on benefits make sure you
save for the funeral as they are not cheap .....



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I know they are not cheap. My Dad couldn't work and was living on benefits (due to liver cancer). Lucky for us and the fact that the Irish peeps are so caring they had benefit do for him and raised �8,000..... Just about covered the funeral. Although I think he would have been entitled to the funeral payment had we not declared it.
they re an expense that is in my opinion a disgusting amount to pay
Nobody is ever obliged to pay for a funeral. If the deceased person's family decline to arrange a funeral (or simply can't afford to do so), the local authority has a legal obligation to arrange a basic funeral. They can claim the money back from the deceased person's estate but if the deceased person died penniless the council must foot the bill. (i.e. they have no right to invoice any family member of the deceased person).

Chris llowancesandbenefits/dev_009938.xml.html

Explains a lot.

As chris says if theyre totally penniless the local council will provid etho.
�8000 is exceptionally high for a funeral.

I don't know why anybody would expect a 'funeral payment' - that is why all those ads are on television 'save for your funeral' and so on.

You can do it yourself, of course. Buy a flat pack cardboard coffin, around �40, transport it to the crematoria in the back of the car and pay basic cremation fees (maybe �400), pay for the certificate of cremation (around �15) or dig a hole and bury your loved one in the back garden, which is perfectly legal.

Death certificates have to be paid for, of course, but that is not a huge amount.
Oh Ethel, I wish you hadn't said that.

My wife is digging a hole for me in the back garden now.
It didn't cost �8,000......Not far off though.

We had to have 5 funeral cars because my family is so big and all wanted to travel behind the hearse. Over 500 people attended and we catered for them.......We buried him on a Friday at my uncles request as 'yer Dad would love it on a Friday' so everyone could get p!ssed.

As sad as it was he had a great send off......And it made me feel proud when the priest said there was no more room in the church.
I see nothing wrong in it, myself. The land registry has to be notified so a record of the burial can be put on the Title Plan, but really, why not?
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Buenchico ...would you like your loved one
to have a cheap departure from this world
to the next ? Some people have to as they
have no one ..but the system seems wrong
as if you are on benefit and die , the next of kin
who are not on benefit have to find the money ...
It happened to my friend when her Dad died and
then her son was killed in a rta ...
ummmm - you didn't HAVE to have 5 cars - taxis would have been a lot cheaper and you don't have to have a 'funeral tea'.

But it was your family's choice and that is all that matters.

Had he been entitled to a funeral payment it would not have been anything like �8k
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she is the grim reaper lol
Yes, knobby, and it used to sadden me to see people determined to 'push the boat out' when they clearly couldn't afford it.

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