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Crazy kids names

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funnygirl | 11:10 Thu 15th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
How would you have pronounced this girl's name??


Leah ???? NO.
Lee - A???? NOPE.
Laya ???? NO.
Lei ???? Guess Again.
Are you resorting to tongue clicks yet??

The name is pronounced Ledasha!!!!!

Only the crazy black folks in America could have thought of this one.


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No wonder they can't spell! :-)
Pathetic - the girl will be a laughing stock.
Are you serious? They've spelt it Lea and pronounced it Ledasha?
could be worse, could be "/er" (slasher)
Why don't they just spell it Ledasha?
Or would that be too simple (derrrr)
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Lakitu, you have to pronounce the dash (-)!!!!

That's the funniest thing I've heard all week!!!

Just as well my parents didn't name me La/tu, I'd be known as la-oblique-tu PMSL!
I think it's quite obvious,
and original.
original... but stupid.
I was reading an article about names....some numpty called their twins 'Benson' and 'Hedges'
U'd call your dogs that... but your chidren?!
and that's why i call everyone mate

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Crazy kids names

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