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im off now but i will leave you with this very important thought

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zzxxee | 19:18 Thu 15th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
wouldnt the world be a boreing place without penelope keith in it lol


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or george clooney?
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yep laters xxx
you appear to have offended Penelope Keith, Leg!!
Well george is good for the ladies , and the guys too now we know hes gay.

So hes an all rounder.

As for penelope, well she was never a looker really.
I'd rather Felicity...
I didn't know George Clooney was gay but that accounts for his Martini Bianco adverts!
Its a well known secret , like george michael was .

Felicity was welll more shaggable tahn penelope keith

Everyone knows that

Hiya carrott...

Maybe leg... but Penelope looked the dirtier of the two lol...
no wqay snaggy

she looked like a right uptight shop assistant

harrods toffy nosed bint

d t h?�?
buon giorno

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im off now but i will leave you with this very important thought

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