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stompe | 22:47 Thu 15th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Puddicat wants a long one!,Can we help boys and girls?


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dont bl00dy look at me
And interesting question i hasten to add!!!
Could be misconstrueddddddddddddddddd
I would like a long one too. I'll join the queue.
Well can jim fix it???
Question Author
Puddi your thread now! make some funny smutty remarks keep it going! love cab and stompe
As "Long" as it is Brainless and Challenging!!
brainless is ideal at thif time of night, I dont want to have to think
Going to sign off soon stompe, you got work ,not me day off but knackered!!!
Ive had a couple of long ones but one in particular was humungas, I was up half the night with it .
Everyone congratulated me next day. x
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Puddi mines like a babys arm with a sheeps heart on the end!any good
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Typical puddi GONE
Some people have no staying power ha ha.
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Try me
tut tut - smutty minds.. is it that late already..? Obviously didn't start drinking early enough!! ;-)

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