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following on from nigerian hotttie !!!!!

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legendis.god | 18:55 Fri 16th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Ok so some postie from Portsmouth sent 130 grand to a nigerian hotttie and was ripped off etc etc etc

But what if hed met someone on cb ?

How much would he have spent on her ?Or if he was a postwoman how much would have been spent on a cb guy?

Whats the going rate for a cber?
How much money would you send and what would you want/expect in return for it ?

Keep it clean.
Even if barely : 0)


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Question Author
nkno seriously

are you saying youd send that much money to a cb woman?

are you either ass suckin or just sad?
Question Author
thats 95% most pathetic ass sucking post yet knoledg
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Question Author
but when youre as smarmy as that

well its worse tahn being insulting

unless someones desperate for a compliment

im sure you know that noleg
O K OK leg, tell you what,
I'll trade you a cber, for an inflatable doll.

How's that grab yer,?
Question Author

so noone out there would actually even give a quid

now thats interesting

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Question Author
thanks for the lickin m8

still noone good enuff for cash ?

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following on from nigerian hotttie !!!!!

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