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Wouldnt it be nice?

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stompe | 18:32 Sun 18th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
To go back to good old Family values,where women were ladies and Men were men!


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Queenie, I think you mis-read Leg's post...
Yep, fine now Stompe thanks. Little hissy fit never does anyone any harm every once in a while! Back up there again now!
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I Blame the Pill!
I blame Mrs Thatcher.

true stoke

when parents started goin to the school threatenin teachers then the kids started it too

after that there was no fear of authority

as i said a woman came in the bar i worked in
can i get a blue wkd for the daughter itsher birthday today

i ssaaid no bother .how old is she ?12 she says.sorry you gotta be 18
welll gimme 1 for myself then

10 minutes later out the back the 12 year old is glugggin on it.she drank half.
as they left her younger sister necked the last of it

great eh ?
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Brill Barmaid Does that mean Your on the Market now Top Totty with Joggerjayne? lol
o... ^^^
that is exactly the problem legend the parents let kids get away with murder................
It's got naff all to do with the pill and everything to do with proper values as Stoke said.

I used to frequent the local Youths Court (as a professional I might add), mum would turn up with her 9 children because little Brandon (aged 13) was before the beak. Mum would stand outside while the 7 year old would roll her (and him) a fag, while young Chardonnay (aged 14, and pregnant herself) would try and look after some of the little ones who were running riot. When all else failed, the duffle bag with the sweets, pop and intravenous e numbers would come out as mum sat there sighing "well what can you do?" before launching into a rant about the school having let her down. Social responsibility is the answer. Everyone harps on about human bloody rights. Well with rights comes responsibility.

Sorry rant over.
Agree with you Barmaid. Everyone seems to know what their rights are but not their responsibilities these days. I see some sights at the school I work at, believe me!
Yep Stompe, back up there as single and looking!!!!!!

Another illustrative story was a young lad I represented accused of a s5 POA offence (essentially, he told a police officer to f**k off). After listening to him, his mother butted in "he didn't fekkin do it, cos he doesn't fekkin talk like that cos he was fekkin brought up fekkin proper, that police officer is a fekkin liar". She really didn't get the irony of the situation.
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Barmaid so articulate 10 stars for you!you have hit the nail on the Bloody head there!


if youre on the market ??

welll ???

lol : 0)
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How can we change it? is it the Law system?I bow to your greater Knowledge.
Perhaps we should have a Human Responsibilities Act as well as the Human Rights Act
Sara re queenie , she always misreads what i post.
pre teeens shouldnt be on here without a responsible adult.
queenof amber is infact one of the displaced kids we are talking about

on here
aged 12 and spouting all sorts of stuff

and no i didnt expect n apology about her accusation about my parenting.
shes hardly old enough to know any better .

bramaid dont think you can avoidme forever lol
lol Leg, yes, well and truly back on the market!!!!!

Bensmum, I can't help thinking you are right. There is this culture nowadays that anything that happens is someone else's fault. OK, so the left wing do gooders have a lot to answer for (I used to do education law and exclusion appeals, the parents' attitude was that little Johnny could do no wrong and that the school had not done enough), it was soul destroying. There used to be a time where there was a community spirit, where people looked out for each other (now you get "what are you fookin looking at"), where authority of the school and the police (and I am not saying they are paragons of virtue, but I have a teacher as one of my closest friends and I wouldn't take the crap he does) was respected and where people had a good old fashioned spirit - when spirit meant accepting your lot and dealing with it rather than taking a knife and stabbing the next person who walked across your path.

Stompe, I don't think a change in the law is necessary. A change in people's social consciousness is what is needed. People need to stop thinking "what are my rights" (and don't get me wrong, that is important), and start thinking about "what are my responsibilities to myself, my children and my society?".
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Barmaid, the punishment dont fit the crime!were to soft!

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