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wish list to do!

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unrulyjulie | 20:05 Sun 18th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Ok, so we've done what item you wish for, what about one thing you'd like to do before you shuffle off this immortal coil?


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See West Bromwich Albion lift the F A Cup!
Have children.
Find the b@lls to stop work sell house and travel
Fall in lurv again (what the heck am I on tonight eh)
stay healthy so i wouldnt have to go
become a scratch player
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Mine is to swim with Dolphins, have a tea party with chimps, milk a cow, bottle feed a lamb and visit Australia!
Hi Julie, planning it now, going to travel across the USA in a camper van with my lovely mrs sparx. speak soon xx
awww Jules I bottle fed lambs once and swore I would never eat another one lol
Soooooooo cute but tasty too
move to a sunny country with Mr Right, have a fabby house/villa near the beach, with a veranda from where we can watch the sun set every evening.. bliss!
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I'd like to visit New Zealand and Australia
sara you are such a romantic
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no knowledge, i was going to add...........what not who? lol
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Don't be, that is my next question LOL I have a list!
Buy a warehouse in L.A. Marry my fiancee. Buy some huge houses in Anaheim, Carmel and Santa Barbra. Visit my friend in Brazil. Buy a Ferrari. Have kids... etc. :)
a Ferrari and kids.. very practical.

weeal.. I love the sunset. when I go on hols I like to work out where it sets before I book.

I'm a proper tragedy!
really must give the bathroom a lick of paint _b32592ca5f_o.jpg
I'm copying Lakitu again lol :) Think we're on the same wavelength :)

A family. I feel like I have this whole new and exciting part of my life to look forward to, being a wife and a mother, then a grandmother...

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wish list to do!

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