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weight watchers is fab

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hollie1586 | 23:36 Tue 20th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I lost 5.5Ibs this week!! yay


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Well done hollie :-) x
Weight Watchers didn't do it, hollie- YOU did!! Yay YOU!!! :) xxx
Yay, me too, lost the same amount and am sooo pleased :)

Well done us :)
I've set up a facebook WW support group if you want to join.

If you mail me on [email protected] will send you an invite.
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jen...ive sent you an email!
Well done Jenna and hollie. I lost 4 pound in my first week and my second weigh in is tomorrow. Wish me luck! I was a bit naughty at the weekend!
well done u all !! keep up the good work .x
Thanks sleepyj :-)

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weight watchers is fab

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