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bazwillrun | 18:29 Mon 19th Jan 2009 | News
19 Answers
read the story and then try and convince me these examples of human garbage have recieved a sufficient punishment 298.stm


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Cut their knackers off,that would more than solve the problem!!
That seems on the low side.The gbh alone should be worth 8 years. Attacking someone with a caustic substance is worth all of that. Twelve or fourteen for this would have nearer the mark.
It just reinfoces the call for thr reintroduction of the death penalty.
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even when there was a death penalty, it wasn't given for rape. (Nor should it be, otherwise every rapist would kill his victim - what would he have to lose?)

This seems not long. They said on the telly some of them would be out in three years. (Presumably on parole?)
They haven't. They should receive the same punishment back.
Well I'm pretty liberal as you know but I was somewhat surprised when I heard this.

5 years is meant to be the starting point for rape

I do note that the one that got 6 years was not charged with rape and the one that got 8 years was not charged with GBH.

This leaves us with the 9 year sentence - I'd imagine that thelogic was 5 years for the rape and 4 for the GBH

Personally I'd have thought that something nearer 15 in total would have been nearer the mark and probably would have been if he hadn't been under 18 at the time he committed the offence
By some degree, this was the nastiest crime story of 2008. I'm with J-T-P on this. The sentences (especially considering reductions for good behaviour) seem shockingly lenient.

...and I would've thought an accomodation for the severity of the attack, the number of attackers and the fact that the girl had learning difficulties would've borne out stiffer sentences.

When I read the story, my immediate thought would be that 15-18 years would've been apropriate for the crime.
Where were you all when I originally posted this case or cases to be exact, there were 2 such cases. 9521.html

I was hounded and still are to this day for daring to call these scum, savages.

Simply because they were Black it appears that 'savages' is another no word, no matter what despicable crimes they have committed.
Thank goodness - hopefully they will all get much longer sentences.
Scum of the earth would have been a better expression, and then it wouldn't matter what ethnicity the perpetrators were. Animals is now another no-no word, as animals don't behave like that.
aog. Reread through that post and say where any of us hounded you for calling these people savages. We all agreed it was a dreadful crime. What you did on that post was infer in more ways than one that only black people could act like this.

Please don't start this off again.
I think we were waiting for the jury verdict AOG

You on the other hand didn't seem to think that such a formality was necessary and the whole thread went off on one of those nasty little racist angles.

Don't let us stop you from giving us your view on how race has affected this case though 3955.html

Or do you just comment when the offenders are black?
A disgusting crime - whatever the race of the perpetrators.
You were either revealing your true colours, AOG, or your poor choice of wording made your intentions unclear. Don't start turning it on other people.
I think we were waiting for the jury verdict AOG

If you had read the news reports Jake you would have found that they had already been found guilty but were awaiting sentencing.

But why not bend the facts a little, if you want to have a dig at me, after all that is what you are constantly accusing the Daily Mail of doing.
jake the peg, what has this got to do with racism, the three men concerned deserve to be birched before they serve their lenient sentence, lets hope that they will get what they deserve inside prison, only you could turn this into a racist thread, you are a joke,

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